Holy cow... it's been over a year since I have visited or wrote anything on my blogs. It's crazy how time flies! I set up this blog when MSN closed the Spaces blog and I was graciously moved to Blogger. But, it's hard to find much to write about that I haven't already talked about on Facebook...and there are things I just wont post about there.
Since last year, my injury from work has gotten much worse. I have an attorney now, and grateful that one of the best in the state has taken my case. The injury was starting to mend last year at this time but I was attacked by a student in the summer session and some days can barely use my arm at all.
I'm also grateful for the loving support of my daughter, who took time out of her very busy work day to rally me and help me keep things straight yesterday.
I'm grateful for a sweet husband for all the times he helps me get dressed and undressed, gets the heating pad or ice pack, and single-handedly has done all the heavy work around here. He does the things my poor shoulder just won't let me do without excruciating pain, like stripping the bed, walking the dogs, etc. Preparing for last August's impending Hurricane Irene was all on him.
I love my job and have continued to work but this has taken its toll. Having to move furniture, lift chairs and wipe tables twice a day, carry a ladder or balance on furniture to hang the kids' artwork, pull and pack boxes with seasonal decor changes, ...all the physical things I do on my job..., continue to ravage my joint. Now, just reaching up into the kitchen cupboard for a plate, lifting a carton of cream or the teakettle is often impossible on that side. Luckily, I can and do use my right arm for most tasks, but sometimes one-handed doesn't cut it. :-( And the pain wakes me up all night long. It's hard to be cheerful and patient with the kids sometimes.
So now maybe the multiple problems with the shoulder and subsequent muscle knots in my back and neck will soon be addressed by a good specialist. That's the plan!
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